Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Snow College!

I love Snow College! I have been here in Ephraim, Utah for a few weeks now and I am really getting into the swing of things. It was pretty hard at first. I do have an amazing roommate though so that really helped out alot. Her and I... we are the same level of clutter. :) We do good with each other. And we are always with each other, which is oh so great!

September truly snuck up on me. I have no idea how it got here so quickly. I am no longer living in Texas which was a weird concept to grasp at first. I believe that I moved to Texas with the interntion of never leaving. Here I am in Utah... with the intention of never leaving. Plans can change so quickly.

I couldn't imagine being anywhere else though. Cydney and I are making so many friends and we are having such a good time. I will post pictures of our adventures as soon as I can.

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